Once you turn on debug in the options you will get a white button in the bottom right of the page that says "Show / Hide Debug" (see bottom right)
The Debug system is color coded to help you to understand what is going on. There are 4 different colors they are all explained below.-
The Log has no background color. This is just standard infomation feedback on the scripts actions. -
The Info is used to give feedback on the debugging system itself (developer and version). It is also used to let you know when the debugging has halted. -
The Warning informs you that something important has happened in the formation of the page / button but it has not effect the development of the page / button. -
The Error informs you that something fatal has happened and the page / button my not have loaded properly or at all.
If you need this explained on a deeper level please feel free to PM me on trekbss.com username Garrett00